Fitness by George
Strengthening the Body and Mind of Asheville


 “George is the most knowledgeable personal trainer I have ever used. I have worked with three other exercise physiologists in the past all of  whom provided only a very generalized program for me. George has provided a personalized plan for meeting my goals that has constantly evolved with my changing levels of fitness. The plan he provided has been geared toward my future return to participation in a sport. During this time I have utilized resistance machines, free weights, and the balance ball. He has provided encouragement as well as made sure that I always worked using correct form.”

- Susan L.



“I had had a heart attack and surgery in January 2005. George has an excellent medical background as well as an excellent exercise background. Consequently, I choose George to help me meet my goals of increased strength, flexibility, toning and increased stamina. I wanted to do this with an eye to my medical health. George checked my blood pressure and pulse before and after each session.”

- Bob K.



“George is the most knowledgeable trainer I have ever known.  His experience in cardiac rehabilitation and his ability to develop a truly personalized fitness program set him a apart from the average trainer.  George has provided encouragement and enabled me to be more independent.”

- Mary Jane K.

“There are many reasons George is so effective in providing an outstanding personal training program. For starters, he listens well. He listens to your goals for yourself, and to how the exercises and training feel for you. He gathers appropriate information about your medical health, injuries, posture, and other vitals. He is very knowledgeable about exercise physiology cardiology, pulmonary fitness, and other health related areas. Furthermore, his patience and positive attitude round out the traits you want to see in a personal trainer. I feel that he cares about and enjoys what he does.” 

- Rich O.



“I have received personal training services from George Farley over the past month and have been very pleased with the outcome. George listened to my fitness goals and designed a program specifically to address those goals. I have averaged losing one pound per week during my training and feel stronger already. I felt intimidated to begin the process of personal training but from the first session I found George to be very encouraging as well as motivating.  I entered my personal training experience with an old shoulder injury that had resulted in my neglecting this area during workouts. George suggested some exercises to strengthen this area and I can feel the benefits already and can also confidently explore shoulder exercises again.    

-Melinda K.



“George is disciplined, intelligent, knowledgeable, and dedicated.  I can’t imagine a better combination of attributes for a trainer and motivator.  He approaches his job systematically; he is well-organized and always prepared with a variety of exercises.  Each workout is custom-tailored to meet my individual needs.” 

- Robert L.

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